Why Care to Write Non-Fiction Books? A Published Author Answers:

The popular opinion has to be questioned repeatedly!

Daniel Wieser 🔥
4 min readJan 5, 2023

Why write books at all if everyone is online?

What sense does it make to write books that nobody reads anyway? But there are many reasons why people write books that may not have a wide readership.

Some writers may write books with the hope of reaching a wider audience, but may not succeed due to various factors such as marketing and competition with other books.

Reason 1: Personal

Some writers write books as a personal creative outlet, even if they do not expect the book to become a best-seller.

Reason 2: Research

Others may write books as a way to share their ideas or research with a specific group of people, even if that group is small.

Reason 3: Passion

Also a personal reason but being driven is different. Ultimately, the decision to write a book is often driven by personal passion and the desire to express oneself creatively, rather than solely by the potential for a wide readership.

What kind of books sell repeatedly?

It’s actually the case that fiction stories sell much better.

I know an author who makes over €37,000 every year just from selling e-books with fictional stories. What does this author write? Over 23 crime novels of 300 pages or more each.

Fiction sells better than non-fiction but that does not mean you should not write non-fiction

Why fiction sells

Fiction tends to sell better than non-fiction for a variety of reasons: One such reason is that fiction often provides a way for readers to escape from their daily lives and experience new and exciting worlds through the eyes of the characters in the story.

It can also be more entertaining than non-fiction, as it is typically more imaginative and often includes elements such as plot twists, drama, and romance. Or it does not require prior knowledge or expertise in a particular subject.

It also means that there are enough people out there who want to read such books…

Why care to write non-fiction?

There are just a lot of people who are more interested in the life of a fictional character than in their own. Because otherwise they would read something that changes their own life, wouldn’t they?

And I have accepted that.

I’ve never tried to appeal to a particular target group, but have always written something I personally found interesting. It’s a legitimate way to write and publish, but it doesn’t attract many readers. Books can be a way to share ideas or research with a specific group of people, regardless of the potential readership.

While it can be disappointing if a book does not reach a wide audience, I don’t think it makes sense to write something that resembles what is already selling well just to make a few more bucks. There are many different ways for a book to be successful.

A book may be considered successful if it helps the author express their thoughts and ideas in a meaningful way, or if it resonates with a small group of readers and makes a positive impact on their lives.

Deception in publishing…

Yet many books are published every day that claim to be new and different, but aren’t — and everyone buys them. Does that not show us the inability of the masses to learn something new? They want something that seems to them as it was something new, even if it is not.

I personally think that is decpetion.

I hate deceiving people, and that’s why I haven’t done it so far. But maybe I should? Is that really the right way? Isn’t that exactly the way humanity should not progress? Probably no one understands me and I understand no one.

Why you should care to write DIFFERENT non-fiction

You should care to write non-fiction that is different.

And I honestly mean different to what is already selling well.

Different to best-sellers and to popular books.

Some reasons to consider:

  • Write different non-fiction to examine and question popular ideas.
  • Write different non-fiction to present an alternative perspective.
  • Write different non-fiction to explore new ideas and to present your thoughts and arguments in a way that can be shared with others.
  • Write different non-fiction to stimulate discussion and debate, and to contribute to the exchange of ideas within a particular field or community.

Do not focus on the money.

Focus on the big picture.
And someone will read it eventually…

🔥 Genius Mastermind is a persona that is still being developed. More things need to be learned, more books need to be written. Follow for more articles on writing books and how to write your own non-fiction book to share your own personal story.

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