The „Science of Getting Rich“

Daniel Wieser 🔥
6 min readMay 7, 2019
© Alexander Grey on Unsplash

There is no „Science of Getting Rich“.

Getting rich is an art, not science.

First and foremost one might argue about the term „science“ in a monetary context, as getting rich can be seen as something subjective (unlike science).

This means that getting rich is NOT science. People want you to believe it is, so „getting rich“ seems more difficult.

Getting rich and staying rich are two different skill sets. They are means to achieve a certain goal.

Also, the notion of „getting rich“ as something that is ancient and secret, that is passed down through generations, is total BS.

But people like to think that way…

This tells you a lot about people, and human psychology, but not about making money.

Making money is an art.

  • Economics is science.
  • Finance is science.
  • Making money is not.

There is also a book by P.T.Barnum which is called „The Art of Money Getting“.

It sure helps to understand Economics, Finance, Human Psychology, Selling, and a lot of other things in order to make money (and keep it). But making money itself is NOT science, it is an art.

And everyone expresses this art differently.

Therefore those who make the most money are not great scientists, they are great artists.

It makes sense the more you think about it…

That being said, there are thousands of ways to make money. It is up to you, how you choose to make it.

Could the same be said about science?

  • If you would treat science as an art you will have a problem.
  • If you treat making money as an art (which it is) then you will have success.

If making money was „science“, there would be predetermined and defined ways of making it…

But there are only ideas on how to make money. You can come up with a new idea tomorrow!

One might argue that new advances in science change the way we think about science and also change the field itself.

While new developements are always on the rise, the ways we „do“ science does not change. I would always have to write an academic paper in such and such ways, in order for it to be academic (e.g. research is always part of it).

And the old ways of making money can become obsolete. It‘s an ever changing field.

The laws of gravity do not change.

What about the laws of „making money“?

Do they change?

They do! They change all the time.

Because there are no such „laws“.

Alright, you might think to yourself that making money always needs to people and some sort of exchange between them. That is correct. But you can come up with new ways to exectute them and be financially successful – a term that is subjectively defined (unlike science).

Sure we can draw inspiration from history books, we can get new ideas by reading old books („History repeats itself“) but some ways of making money might not work.


Because humans are very emotional creatures. They do not think rational. If they would, they would only buy what they need.

But they buy what they want!

And they can choose to buy something completely different the next day, something that you would never have expected.

  • Does science work this way?
  • Does gravity reverse overnight?
  • Do the laws of physics change all the time?

There is no science in making money. If there would be, everyone would simply go by these laws and make the same amount.

Because this is what science is about:

  • You can do the same experiment over and over again, and you should get the same results.

In making money, you do not have that certainty. In science there is certainty, because this is how the world should work.

  • Art is changing
  • The ways of making money are changing

There is no limit to how and what you can earn. Science has its limits. Art has not.

Alright wise guy. I know there isn‘t an infinite amount of money available, but you can always come up with new ways and earn even more.

Some principles still apply…

Note: One again might argue that in order to become financially successful, one has to do market research (which can be seen like research in academic fields).

However, this does not give you any certainty on your financial success, unlike in science where you HAVE to do research in order for whatever you do counts as „doing science“.

The beauty of making money is the freedom of expression within the realm of a certain framework – like *art*.

Everyone is trying to get the latest „Get Rich Quick Scheme“. A new way of making money.

  • They try to control the way to make money.
  • They believe it has to work a certain way.

This is why people fall for Get Rich Quick schemes all the time, because they are looking for a making money plan…

There is NO such plan!

Those who are making money are the ones who always come up with a new plan and sell it to those who want to have such a plan.

The beauty is the creative expression to create such schemes, yet taking into account certain principles that never change, hence why certain people believe it has to be science.

  • There are principles like the color theory and perspective in art.
  • There is no exact way to make it.

However, a lot of people are listening to others who show them the „science of getting rich“ in a book or pamphlet or „Get Rich Quick“ scheme.

But it doesn‘t work so they buy the next scheme.

If it would work, then everyone would already make a lot of money. They would all follow the science and be rich.

But it is not science. It doesn‘t work that way…

„I am not a schemer. I try to show schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are.“ – The Joker

Be an artist.

The better you can come up with new ways of making money, reinvent yourself, do something out of the ordinary, change the way of doing business in times of struggle, the better you will be.

And the more money you will make!

Do not trust in a science of making money.

There is none.

Note: The following passage might make you throw up a little but it explains again why making money is not science, but an art.

Scam Artists can be successful in *making* *money*. They see *making* *money* as an art and not as science . If it would be science, only those who act a certain way, according to rules of this science, would be successful. Yet many who do *not* act according to rules become successful at making money. Why do you think that is?

Making money is business.

Business is a never ending game of testing.

What might work for you, might not work for me – and vice versa. We can only get inspiration from all the other people that are doing business and then use that inspiration to try out new things.

At the end, we have to our own authentic self, so we attract the people we want to work with.

You have to know what you want. I have my prices. Others have theirs.

Actually I would not do most of that things any of the other people are doing (because this is not how I would do it, not because it is generally a bad thing to do).

Everyone does their own thing.

Making money is an art, not science. There are only principles that you can follow, but in the end, you do it your way – unlike science…

🔥 Genius Mastermind is a persona that is still being developed. More things need to be learned, more books need to be written. Follow for more articles on Book Writing and how to write your own book.

📚 Books:
📕 The Secrets to Learn Any Language
📘 Speed Reading Genius
📗 Why Everything You know About Making Money Is Wrong



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