The Medium Dilemma
When you think you are popular but you aren’t…
You see, writing on is like this mind trap. It’s an illusion, a conundrum. You think you’re popular, you think you’re reaching the masses, but you’re just dancing in the shadows.
It’s a closed-off little world, like a twisted commune, with every article locked behind this paywall, and nobody on the outside even knows you exist.
The Paywall Paradox
It’s a paradox. They dangle the promise of cash in front of you, saying you can join the Partner Program, but that paywall, it’s like this gatekeeper. Only the insiders can see your work, the chosen few, the Medium members. It limits you, traps you, makes you believe you’re speaking to the world when you’re really just whispering in the dark.
The Discoverability Dilemma
Medium’s got this algorithm, see? It decides who gets seen and who stays invisible. If you’re not already popular, you’re just lost in the shuffle. Your words, your thoughts, they don’t reach the outside. They’re not out there in the wild, not showing up in the searches, not spreading on the social networks. You’re stuck inside this bubble, feeling like you’ve got a voice, but outside of Medium, you’re a ghost.
The Engagement Illusion
Those claps and views, they’re just smoke and mirrors. They make you think you’re engaging with people, like you’ve got followers, like you’re making a difference. But it’s an illusion.
They’re just numbers, empty numbers. They don’t mean you’ve got a tribe, a real connection. You’re chasing these shadows, instead of building something real.
Alternative Platforms and Strategies
You gotta break free from this platform. You gotta find other ways to get your message out there. Don’t let Medium be your prison.
1. Personal Blog or Website
Start your own place, your own domain. You control it, you own it. It’s your voice, your design, your rules. And the search engines, they’ll find you. People will see you.
2. Email Newsletters
Build a list, gather your people. Talk to them directly. No middlemen. Platforms like Substack, they let you do that, and you can make some bread too.
3. Social Media Platforms
Use the networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram. Spread your words, reach the crowds. Engage with them, drive them back to your space.
4. Content Aggregators and Cross-Posting
Get your stuff out there, on Reddit, Hacker News, wherever the people are. Cross-post it, share it wide. Let the world see.
5. Guest Posting and Collaborations
Join forces with others, write for their blogs, get your name out there. Collaborate, spread your influence. Build your credibility in different circles.
Writing on Medium is like walking through a maze.
There’s promises, there’s potential, but there’s walls everywhere.
You gotta see through the illusion, recognize the trap.
Diversify, spread out, use all the tools. Break free from the Medium dilemma. Cultivate your audience, make real connections.
That’s how you grow.
That’s how you reach the world.