Can You Take Action Every Time?
“Taking action” seems plausible after reading non-fiction but is not always possible…
Some non-fiction books offer lessons (e.g. self help books), while others do not. Not every non-fiction book is written to solve a specific "problem". Some are fascinating to read without any need to "take action". Does that make them any less valuable?
I would claim that the more advanced a book is, the harder it is to "take action" on the information (or tell me how you would take action after reading The Handbook of Performability Engineering). You will learn interesting things, but no actionable information that you can use right away.
Which is okay, because we should also learn about things that are dealing with interesting things out of our actionable scope.
🔥 Genius Mastermind is a persona that is still being developed. More things need to be learned, more books need to be written. Follow for more articles on Book Writing and how to write your own book.
📚 Books:
📕 The Secrets to Learn Any Language
📘 Speed Reading Genius
📗 Why Everything You know About Making Money Is Wrong