Simple Learning Productivity 101

Learning Techniques You Already Heard About But Probably Forgot

Daniel Wieser 🔥
2 min readNov 6, 2023

5:25 Rule: This productivity strategy involves working for a focused 25 minutes (known as a Pomodoro) followed by a 5-minute break. It’s based on the idea that short, concentrated bursts of work, separated by brief rests, can enhance productivity and maintain mental freshness.

Implementation Intentions: This psychological strategy involves setting specific, detailed plans to achieve goals by defining the exact actions needed to accomplish them. It focuses on linking specific situational cues to intended behaviors, thereby increasing the likelihood of follow-through and goal attainment.

Second Brain: The concept refers to externalizing thoughts, notes, and ideas using tools like notebooks, digital apps, or systems to free up mental space. It’s a method to organize, store, and access information, essentially serving as an auxiliary memory to manage and retrieve data.

Absolute Focus: Absolute focus involves dedicating uninterrupted, concentrated attention to a single task or goal, eliminating distractions and enhancing productivity and performance in that specific area.

Work Batching: Work batching involves grouping similar tasks together to be completed during specific time blocks. This method is effective for improving efficiency and productivity by reducing context-switching and focusing on one type of work at a time.

10:90 Rule: Also known as the Pareto Principle, this rule suggests that roughly 10% of efforts result in 90% of the outcomes. It emphasizes focusing on the most impactful tasks or efforts that yield the most significant results.

Feynman Technique: Named after physicist Richard Feynman, this learning technique involves simplifying complex concepts by teaching or explaining them to someone else, helping to identify gaps in understanding and reinforce learning.

Blurting Method: A memorization technique where you repeatedly and quickly blurt out or recall information to strengthen memory retention through frequent recall.

Spaced Repetition: This learning method involves reviewing and recalling information at spaced intervals, optimizing long-term retention by revisiting material at increasing intervals over time.

Parkinson’s Law: This adage suggests that work expands to fill the time available for its completion, highlighting the idea that setting shorter deadlines or time constraints can increase efficiency and prevent unnecessary elongation of tasks.

Energy Cycles: This concept recognizes that individuals have natural cycles of high and low energy throughout the day. Optimizing work based on these cycles can help improve productivity by scheduling demanding tasks during high-energy periods and less demanding tasks during low-energy periods.

