Make Opting-Out the Standard Rather Than Opting-In.

Be fast in making decisions where you can only win.

Daniel Wieser 🔥
3 min readFeb 11, 2023

What is your default?

Choose the preference for a default option that requires a conscious effort to reject rather than one that requires active participation to accept.

Often, people overthink and hesitate to take action because they are afraid of the outcome or they simply don’t know where to start.

This approach to decision-making is often seen as a more user-friendly option, as it assumes that people would like to participate unless they take a specific action to opt-out.

An Example

Consider an email newsletter.

  • Opt-in: If the opt-in process is the standard, the user would have to take specific steps to subscribe to the newsletter, such as filling out a form or clicking a button.
  • Opt-out: If this is the standard instead, the user would be automatically subscribed to the newsletter and would have to take specific steps to unsubscribe.

The idea behind opting-out being the standard is that it reduces friction for the user and can lead to higher levels of engagement and participation.

And this is exactly what you want to achieve in everything you do.

Make opting-out the standard rather than opting-in.

Why this is useful

Many people think too much and feel regret when they have not done the things they wanted to do. They think of what might happen and never take action.

Instead, take calculated action today and see where it might lead you to.

Start that hobby, build a website, go for whatever you want today. Just start and figure out a way to finish it while you are working at it.

I have done that with going to university.

I continued studying every semester.

I did not give up.

But why and how?

Because I made it hard for myself to opt-out.

Even when I didn’t want to, I attended classes and studied for exams.

I told myself that the only way to drop out was not to make it. Fail hard several times until I get exmatriculated.

Opting–out by myself was not an option.

And that should be the standard.

For everything you choose to do.

This will encourage you to take action and avoid regrets.

Continue to do these things where you opted-in once.

By making opting-out the standard, you are essentially creating a sense of commitment and accountability.

This means that you are making it difficult for yourself to back out of a decision once you have made it.

This way, you are more likely to follow through with your plans.

And you will actually make progress towards your goals.

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