How to Become a Wizard

Crafting Your Own Spells and Embracing the Power of Magick

Daniel Wieser 🔥
5 min readAug 31, 2024


In another article I already wrote about the importance of creating your own book of spells. You might call it the Book of Shadows if you will. But despite what you’re being told, you cannot simply buy such a book and believe the magic will happen.

For centuries, humanity has been captivated by the mysteries of the arcane. Spellbooks — those ancient tomes bound in weathered leather, inscribed with cryptic symbols and languages long forgotten — have always been shrouded in an aura of mystique.

It was whispered in hushed tones that these books held the secrets of the universe, the power to bend reality, and the keys to unlocking the deepest wells of magical energy — their pages filled with spells that could summon storms, heal wounds, or reveal hidden truths.

Wizards and witches guarded them fiercely.

Because if you got hold of it, their magic would be destroyed.

However, simply getting such a book won’t do the trick.

It won’t work for you because it’s not your magick.

That’s why people say it does not work…

“[Magick is] the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in Conformity with Will” — Aleister Crowley (1973)

Become the Wizard / Witch

“If you suddenly declare yourself to be a magician, without any knowledge of what that entails, then one day you are likely to wake up and to discover that is exactly what you are.”

Magic isn’t just something you do — it’s something you are. You don’t just pick up a book and start casting spells. First, you’ve got to dig deep, deeper than you’ve ever gone before, into the twisted roots of your soul, and you’ve got to declare it.

Say it loud. Say it proud:

I am a Wizard (or Witch).

Most importantly, you have to choose to not stay ignorant of what is already out there working for a lot of people.

Magic exists, but it’s not real (yet) — that means, part of your reality.
You have to make it real by taking action.

You have to follow the outline which I am about to give you.

The Search for The Sorcerer’s Stone

(originally appeared on

In English, the Sorcerer’s Stone is often referred to as the Philosopher’s Stone. In alchemy, the entire process of creating the Philosopher’s Stone is referred to as magnum opus (Great Work). The four steps of this process are as follows:

  1. nigredo
  2. albedo
  3. citrinitas
  4. rubedo
“The language of alchemy is not literal but in fact symbolic and in many cases allegorical.”


“In alchemy, nigredo means blackness, putrefaction or decomposition. Decomposition is the process by which dead organic substances are broken down into simpler organic or inorganic substances […]” — Wikipedia

The first step of this alchemical process is about splitting into individual parts. The equivalent step in philosophy is deconstruction. In philosophy, deconstruction is itself a process, namely the following:

“a process of exploring the categories and concepts that tradition has imposed on a word, and the history behind them.” — Wikipedia


“the alchemist undertakes a purification in albedo, which is literally referred to as ablutio — the washing away of impurities” –Wikipedia

In the second step of this process, everything that is not pure is taken away. In philosophy, dialectics would be equivalent to this. Dialectics also strives for purity, because what is purer than the truth? Dialectics is the following process:

“to establish the truth through reasoned methods of argumentation”

The method of Socrates’ dialectic is:

“A series of questions clarifies a more precise statement of a vague belief, logical consequences of that statement are explored, and a contradiction is discovered.” — Wikipedia


“It is one of the four main stages of the main alchemical work and literally means “transformation of silver into gold”. — Wikipedia

In philosophy, this corresponds to synthesis in Hegelian dialectics.

“and the tension between the two is resolved by a synthesis” — Wikipedia


„Both gold and the philosopher’s stone were associated with the color red, as rubedo signaled alchemical success, and the end of the great work„ –Wikipedia

The final step of the alchemical process is therefore the result itself:

The Philosopher’s Stone.

In philosophy, this corresponds to the publication of the work (what I call output).

Only through publication is the result complete (Book of Shadows).

The Formulation

Now here is the formulation for creating spells and changing your reality according to your will. Please be aware that this includes elements that might seem familiar to you — but don’t get mistaken by the simplicity!

Here is the whole Formulation:


  1. Vision.
    Image of yourself in the future.
    A role model.
  2. Affirmation.
    Speak it out loud.
    “I am a profound [role]”.
  3. Explanation.
    Say what this means.
    „I have profound knowledge in [area].“
  4. Organization.
    A plan of what you will do to achieve this.
    „I read / learn ... [amount of pages, exercises, etc.] every day / once a week / etc.“


  1. Action.
    Doing the thing.
    It’s really not that complicated.


  1. Feedback.
    How is it working (for me)?
  2. Validation.
    Is this what I (truly) want?
  3. Adaptation.
    Change of process.
  4. Iteration.
    Repeat, but improved.

This leads to Transformation




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