Stop giving it to companies.
We have given companies too much attention.
And we have given them the power to enter our lives.
When we go out, we see ads all the time.
And when we open our phone, we see some more.
As soon as you go online, they are everywhere.
And we have accepted it.
You have accepted it.
We spend a lot of time watching advertisements before we can get to the actual content. You are spending time you are not getting paid on watching content you did not ask for.
In the past, we used to go on social media to see what our friends were up to. Today, many people go on social media because they are interested in the latest news about companies and their products.
Social media has become one big advertising platform for products.
We have accepted it.
You have accepted it.
But there is a way around this and you might not like it.
You do not have to accept it. You try to skip ads already.
But not accepting it does not only mean you skip ads.
It means to boycott everyone who uses ads as their main source of revenue.
It means to stop watching content from people who use ads to waste your time.
You think you are watching free content but in fact you are paying with your time — a resource you will never get back.
Content creators have chosen to take this valuable resource of yours and throw it away to watch useless ads.
Just because there isn’t a visible counter or timer that shows how much time you have left until you die does not mean that time cannot run out.
It does.
And it’s more precious than money.
If you run out of money you can make more.
If you run out of time you die.
Whenever you see an ad, take the time to pause and reflect.
You will see how often you will pause and reflect.
You will then understand how much space you have given companies in your lives.
You might say you are not giving them much attention
and ads are just there …
…but it is NOISE that is happening
and your sub-conscious knows.
I will not focus on the negative effects here.
We all know them.
I would rather want you to focus on WHY it is the way it is and WHY you are accepting this every day of your life.
It is unfortunate that it has come to this point…