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Are You Still Reading or Already Living?

Get away from the need to be productive and start enjoying your life…

Daniel Wieser 🔥
2 min readAug 27, 2022



As the author of numerous books in the self-help field, I am of course aware of the recurring inclination of readers to purchase a new guidebook.

This is the way the typical reader behaves:

No matter what you’ve read, there’s always another book.

It’s never enough, because you’re always striving to improve.

Whether the methods from the previous book were implemented is beside the point.

Recycled content…

I can mainly observe the development in the niches where I write myself and can claim that not much new has happened in the last years.

Information is recycled over and over again and presented as something new.

Just take the topic of speed reading: the methods haven’t changed at all in the last ten years.

So one wonders why new books are still being written on the subject.


The answer is quite simple:

Because they are bought.

The Simple Truth…

Self-Help thrives on the fact that it doesn’t work.

Because if it did work, and readers finally realized they were enough, then you wouldn’t have to buy another book.

Mind you, there are also many who would find the very idea of constantly improving themselves interesting — but never do.

They never implement.

They also never enjoy who they’ve become.

These are those who purchase more and more information products (lectures and seminars on CDs, training DVD videos, digital downloads, etc.), fill their closets and hard drives with them, but whose lives don’t really change much.

You might almost think that the training programs are designed to make you buy the next one to finally get ahead — and somehow that’s true, because this industry needs to sustain itself.


So what is it that you are supposed to do to break out of this vicious cycle?

How can you finally start living?

It’s very simple:

Understand that you are already enough.

And live.

„Make sure you prioritize creating content that makes you happy.“ — Lilly Singh

🔥 Genius Mastermind is a persona that is still being developed. More things need to be learned, more books need to be written. Follow for more articles on Book Writing and how to write your own book.

📚 Books:
📕 The Secrets to Learn Any Language
📘 Speed Reading Genius
📗 Why Everything You know About Making Money Is Wrong



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